The state-owned bus company, the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) has decided to cut all high overtime expenditures. This as the JUTC has been facing major operation net losses.
In July of 2020 an audit report was tabled in Parliament on the extensive overtime payments by Auditor General Pamela Monroe-Ellis.
The report had shown that during 2014 and 2019, the JUTC had unapproved staff which cost the company a total of 1.15 billion dollars. 145 persons who received permanent positions in June 2020 were reduced to 92.
Meanwhile, Corporate Communications Manager at the JUTC’s Cecil Thoms sought to update to CVM Live since the Auditor General’s report last year.
Another 1.85 billion is needed to purchase parts for units that are currently out of service and also 440 buses to transport commuters efficiently.