President of the Medical Association of Jamaica (MAJ), Dr. Andrew Manning is urging the Government to further tighten the COVID-19 restrictions. He says with the alarming increase in cases and hospitalizations in recent weeks, a greater level of enforcement is needed.

In addition to tighter restrictions, the MAJ President says the surge comes as no surprise, as compliance to existing measures among the population is seemingly low. Meanwhile, President of the Jamaica Medical Doctor’s Association (JMDA), Dr. Mindie Fitz-Henley is expressing grave concern over the mental and physical well-being of front-line workers.

As of Tuesday, August 3, the country’s COVID-19 positivity rate stood at 13.5%, while 215 persons have been hospitalized due to the virus. This suggests that there is a high level of transmission across the country.

The Ministry of Health and Wellness continues its island-wide vaccination blitz for all Jamaicans 18 years and older. The blitz, which is open to those eligible for first and second doses runs until Thursday, August 5. The Ministry has also extended its operating hours at the National Arena in Kingston from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm during this week’s blitz.

More in this CVM Live story from Robian Williams: