Empowering Preemies: A Lifesaving Program for Premature Babies – The anxiety that fills expecting mothers, with one in every ten babies being born prematurely, is palpable. They hope for full-term pregnancies, but when that wish is unmet, their fear shifts to the hope for their child’s survival. This stark reality has led to the establishment of a specialized program dedicated to premature babies. Natalia Clarke brings you this week’s “Over the Hurdles” feature. Since 2017, this survival program has welcomed dozens of premature babies, guiding them through the unique challenges posed by their underdeveloped bodies. In the end, these tiny champions, each a valedictorian in their own right, don their graduation gowns and caps as they head home with their certificates of survival.

One mother, whose daughter Lovenia Belle has become the face of the program after being one of its tiniest enrollees, shares how this small yet powerful initiative kept her going, even when hope seemed to fade away. Watch the report:

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