The Edna School of Drama is staging its first in-person production in two years, Tarell Alvin Mccraney’s In the Red and Brown Water. The production opens on March 4. We welcome Camille Quamina, Director and Senior Lecturer – School of Drama and Chenelle Dallas, Drama student to share more.
School of Drama brings back life to Edna Manley College with the play “In the Red and Brown Water”
With school back to face-to-face session, the School of Drama opens the semester with an outdoor production in the amphitheatre on the school grounds. The play – “In The Red and Brown Water” is being directed by Camille Quamina and Dorraine Reid and centres around the life of a young woman wading through the murky waters of unfulfilled dreams, desires, expectations, and unrequited love.
Her life is upended by the loss of her mother, her unrealised potential as an athlete, her inability to bear life and the unequal nature of her affections for both her lovers. She loses herself in pursuit of these and is submerged by the blood, sweat and tears of her futile pursuits. As the story progresses, she is re/born in a pool of possibilities, a liminal space.
Opening on March 4, the play will run for two weekends – Friday March 4 to Sunday March 6 and the following weekend March 11-13. Shows will begin at 7:00 pm and limited tickets will be available ONLY through booking and can be purchased by calling 876-503-5941. Tickets are $1,000 for adults and $500 for children. For groups of 10 or more, tickets are $500 per person. All COVID-19 protocols will be observed, and each show will accommodate up to 50 audience members so please book early.
For more information, contact the Marketing and Communications department at 876-566-5621/508-5407 or email
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