While the no movement days continue, citizens are being urged to stay inside and abide by the DRMA protocols. On Monday, August 30, eleven people were arrested for breaching the Disaster Risk Management Act, (DRMA) in Claremont, St. Ann. The police are asking residents to stay inside and observe the rules aimed at reducing COVID-19 infections.

Residents are constantly being urged to stay in their homes on no movement days as this breach of the DRMA can result in them being taken to the police station and fined. However, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Kevin Francis, says some residents of Golden Grove St. Ann have disregarded the directives by operating regardless of the lockdown.

Eleven people were arrested due to the breach on August 30. Following the apprehension of the residents, Councilor for the Claremont Division, Lambert Weir, paid the station a visit to represent some of those in breach.

In the meantime, the police are urging residents within Golden Grove and the country at large to abide by the DRMA while the no-movement days continue. There were over 200 arrests for breaches under the DRMA, during the last no movement period

More in this CVM Live story from Paige Dixon: