As murders and shootings continue in the Burgher Gully, Mountain View area, residents have been forced into curfew to protect them from long-standing gun wars between rival factions. A tour of the community revealed the need for continued social interventions as residents say violence has taken their freedoms.

Curfew is not new for residents of Burgher Gully in Mountain View; Kingston only, the lockdown is not for the spread of the novel virus but the scourge of violence and crime within the community. One resident say persons are mostly shut-in and violence is less when the police is present, but as soon as they leave violent activities resume.

Minister of religion, Gavin Campbell says over the past couple of months there have been incidents of murders and shootings that continue to breed tension between the rival factions. The Minister who graced the police with his presence on tours says many times residents relate the effects of crime and he believes an intervention is long overdue.

Sergeant Wickham Campbell, sub-officer in charge of community safety and security says the police youth club was put on pause because of the pandemic. However, he says the police are working overtime to ensure their presence is felt within the community.

More in this CVM Live story from Paige Dixon: