A tense calm prevails in the community of Jarrett Lane, Mountain View on Sunday, July 11, an area which has become a major concern for police after a fatal shooting at the entrance of the lane, as two people were gunned down, in what the police theorize may have been a reprisal.

The 36-year-old man affectionately called Barco of Jarrett Lane was one of the men who died in the drive-by.

There is a warning sign mounted at the front of the lane instructing motorists to keep their windows down and drive slowly within the community to prevent drive-bys.  While the sign may have precluded gunmen from entering the community, it did not prevent them from firing shots at the entrance, killing two people, while three others sustained injuries.

Residents say at least two vehicles pulled up before shots started to fire.

The daughter of one of the deceased affectionately known as Barco spoke of her last interaction with her father just minutes before he became a victim of a drive-by.

His is the second fatal drive-by within the community in less than a month, resulting in the death of three people and injuring of five. 

Police say they believe it is a gang conflict and suspected reprisal for a murder committed outside the Kingston east division.