The President of the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA), Jasford Gabriel, was speaking during a virtual meeting put on by the Kingston Rotary Club on Thursday, September 10. He says it is important for Prime Minister Andrew Holness to appoint a member of his cabinet to the Education Ministry and that ahead of the reopening of schools more needs to be done to ensure that all is set to facilitate distance and physical learning.

President Gabriel says intervention is needed from the government to deal with the current state of the education system. The education system has been in limbo even before the onset of the Coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic.

He is surprised that Prime Minister, Andrew Holness did not appoint a Minister of Education on Monday when four members of the cabinet were announced to steer the country through the ongoing crisis…The school year was set to begin on September 7, but a recent spike in COVID-19 cases has pushed the reopening to October 5.

As educators and students anticipate the reopening of school, the JTA President is calling for improved internet access for students who have been left behind since the onset of the health crisis. Gabriel says the government needs to effectively communicate with all involved to reduce the high level of uncertainty.

He says compared to march, when schools were closed, educators are now more prepared to facilitate online learning…However Gabriel wants greater incentives for teachers, who often times migrate to offer their services abroad.