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Fate of Kartel And Co Accused Hinges On June Hearing

Incarcerated dancehall entertainer Adijah ‘Vybz Kartel’ Palmer will soon know if his now infamous murder conviction will earn a retrial. Justice McDonald-Bishop issued a directive on Friday, setting the stage for a pivotal hearing concerning the possibility of a retrial for Kartel and his co-accused Shawn Campbell, Kahira Jones, and Andre St. John.

The proceedings, scheduled to commence on June 10, are anticipated to span five days, marking a critical juncture in this long-standing legal saga. The UK’s Privy Council quashed Vybz Kartel’s murder conviction in March due to juror misconduct. Jamaica’s highest appeal court also cited a material irregularity in the trial judge’s handling of a tainted juror. The case was later remitted to the Jamaican Court of Appeal. Justice McDonald-Bishop’s directive requires both appellants and respondents to make detailed skeleton submissions, complete with supporting authorities, within specified timelines.

A skeleton argument is a concise, user-friendly document filed with the court and exchanged between parties before a court hearing. It provides a clear and concise introduction to the case for the judge, setting out the points to be argued with cross-references to relevant documents and authorities. Appellants are required to furnish their submissions, accompanied by a comprehensive chronology of pertinent events, no later than May 6. Similarly, respondents are mandated to file their skeleton arguments by May 31. Vybz Kartel has been fighting to overturn his 2014 murder conviction.

Kartel was convicted following the disappearance of his associate Clive “Lizard” Williams, whose body is still missing.

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