PNP Delegates Go With Golding – South St. Andrew Member of Parliament, Mark Jefferson Golding is the 6th President of the People’s National Party (PNP). The final decision came after Saturday’s presidential election, where Golding amassed 1,740 votes of the over 3000 delegates of the party.

Golding, a leading Commercial Attorney, and Investment Banker is expected to add his level of expertise to the party, making it more organized, united and a force to be reckoned with.

He campaigned on uniting the 82 year old political movement, providing support through an endowment fund for party workers, inclusivity in decision making and strengthening the organization structures through a robust political education programme, mentorship for the youth organization, technical support for groups and affiliates and charting a path to stability for the party’s finances.

In just over two months of campaigning, Golding an unpopular man working behind the scenes gained the attention of not only the PNP delegates but the nation.

And now that the dust has settled, Golding is tasked with putting out destructive flames of the past and bringing back the love with passion and purpose.