Citizens in the western end of the country can anticipate a return of an agricultural show in Westmoreland as plans are being made to have one next month. The announcement was made at a media launch earlier this week

The Custos believes every parish should have its own show to promote the economic viability of agriculture.  Last year at an annual general meeting of the Westmoreland Association of branch societies, of the Jamaica Agricultural Society, it was decided the time has come for the parish to like several others, stage its own agricultural show.

Earlier this week the custos of Westmoreland at a press launch chanted the importance of agriculture the parish has seen several other Agri shows in the last decade namely, the Westmoreland Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 

However, on May 28 of this year, they will be hosting another show at Manning’s School, under the theme, ‘Grow smart, eat smart: youth-driven agricultural breakthroughs’. 

Reporter: Kimberly Henry

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