Business Operators Share Mixed Reactions Towards Proposed Curfew Changes  – Citizens can expect to see a slight relaxation of the curfew hours, starting December 1, 2020 -January 15 2021, excluding the 3 upcoming holidays. 

Some welcome the adjustment, while others wish the government would relax the hours even further. One prominent business leader tells our reporter, Aladden Love, that the proposed hours will improve commerce.

President of the Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association (JMEA), Richard Pandohie says the 1-hour extension will help commerce, citing evidence that the 9 pm curfew improved sales for some businesses. 

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has also proposed that the curfew hours will be tightened on new year’s day.

From the 2nd to the 15th of January 2021, the country is expected to return to the 10 pm – 5 am curfew.