The Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) is calling for an urgent national vaccination mobilization strategy. According to the PSOJ this effort is needed to bolster the Health Ministry’s Public Education program and to neutralize the preponderance of misinformation.

According to PSOJ, the current surge in Jamaica’s positivity rate and the prolonged negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is compelled to raise the question of requiring the workforce to be vaccinated or subject themselves to regular testing.

President of the PSOJ Keith Duncan highlights based on a survey conducted, 30 percent of the workforce in the private sector opted for the vaccine. He also notes another 33 percent were indecisive. Mr. Duncan says stronger measures may be necessary if there is vaccine hesitancy. While in support of persons being incentivised, Duncan however says there needs to be a collaboration with all stakeholder groups in the society to have a mobilized national vaccination.

In the meantime, another call that was made by the PSOJ was the pursuit of working from home. Duncan states that the current 7 pm curfew is creating congestion in major spaces, he is encouraging private stakeholder groups of employees to be able to work from home to limit movement.

More details on the Vax Mobilization Strategy