The Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) is supporting the move to import skilled workers, in light of the recently announced labour gap. President of the Organization, Keith Duncan says this is the way to go for now, as the country works out a long-term solution to the problem. 

Following Prime Minister Andrew Holness’ recent announcement that Jamaica may have to import skilled labourers to fill the current labour gap, Mr. Duncan is wholly supporting the move. He says it is unfortunate that the country has found itself in a position like this, but insists something has to be done in the interim. He believes importing persons with the skill- sets that are lacking locally is an immediate response to the issue, but it should not be the long-term solution. 

Duncan says the private sector has been feeling the repercussions of having limited skilled workers. More details in the report:

Reporter: Velonique Bowen

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