The recent road widening works being done in San San , have at least one hotelier in Port Antonio, Portland is demanding stakeholder consultations and a town hall meeting.

This as the businessman notes they are yet to see the plans which could severely hamper their eco-tourism appeal and compromise their hotel’s infrastructure.

Director of the Goblin Hill Villas in San San, Portland, Mark Gooden says while the people are welcoming developmental plans there are some valid concerns. He noted that the improved highway from the Norman Manley International Airport, will be great for business for the people of Portland, however he says the road is just being widen to increase speed and notes that a wider road, but a smooth and well drained road.

Concerns he insists have not been receiving much attention from the authorities since he says there has been no consultation with the stakeholders in the area. Stakeholders to include, hoteliers like himself whose business is heavily dependent on the lush greenery. He is also demanding that; speed humps are placed on the road to slow the traffic down, the set aside of 5 feet of asphalt for a cycling and a walking path as this adds to the tourism product.

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