In the language of debating, you knife your team when you say something that contradicts your stance of a proposed motion. Well, after almost two years of seemingly moving past the knifing stage and looking to form stronger bonds, the political bruising and suspected implosion has resurfaced in the People’s National Party, (PNP).

A second protest in less than a month, by comrades upset with the selection process and the candidate who will represent them in the upcoming elections. Supporters, in St Catherine south eastern, took to the streets Wednesday evening to voice their concerns, after Dr. Alfred Dawes was selected instead of Alric Campbell.  

This delegate says after a poll,  aspirant Campbell was leading Dr Dawes by five points. The poll she said was to be followed by a selection conference, which did not happen. 

The latest protest follows one in southeast St Ann a few weeks ago when supporters demanded they be the ones to elect their next representative in the general elections. Recently, the party through its second highest decision making body, the National Executive Council, (NEC), introduced a new format for electing potential candidates.

The St Ann protest gained the support of a Member of Parliament,  Lisa Hanna, who took to her Twitter page venting about the people’s franchise to elect their delegates stating “The PNP has always been the party in support of democracy and upholding the constitutional rights of all Jamaicans therefore what is good for the geese is good for the gander- you cannot want to support the Jamaican constitution for our people on the one hand but flout the PNP’s constitution on the other stand your ground SESA delegates- the democracy of the PNP depends on you.”

Watch the full report here:

Reporter: Kimberly Henry

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