Lawmakers approved the amendments and passed the Sexual Harassment, Protection and Prevention Act, 2021 in the senate on Friday, October 1; this in an effort to put an end to the offensive practice in Jamaica.

The groundbreaking legislation is said to be gender neutral and seeks to prevent Sexual Harassment against both men and women. The Senate was dissolved into a committee for the Bill to be examined clause by clause.

After several hours of contribution and debate on the Sexual Harassment, Protection and Prevention Act 2021, both sides of the political divide approved the 23 amendments.

Leader of Government Business, Kamina Johnson Smith, says this marks a positive day in Jamaica’s development of an equitable society. Senator Johnson Smith says the bill has clear provisions that protect individuals in the workplace or institutions from unwanted sexual advances. She noted that the bill does not intend to remove flirtation or the starting of relationships, but to reiterate the concept that someone may not want or desire another’s advances.

Leader of Opposition Business, Senator Donna Scott Mottely says it is evident that Jamaica has a cultural problem, and a cultural shift is necessary.

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