In a session at the Trelawny Parish Court in Clarks Town on Wednesday, January 10, Sylvia Monteque-Brown, 56, and her brother Lester Monteque, 60, were both granted bail totaling three hundred thousand dollars. The charges stem from the alleged murder of David Brown, 50, husband of Sylvia. Both accused individuals are required to surrender their travel documents.

Sylvia is mandated to report to the Mt Salem Police in Montego Bay daily between 6 am and 6 pm, while Lester must adhere to the same reporting hours at the Wakefield Police in Trelawny. The next court appearance for both is scheduled for March 12, 2024.

The case traces back to December 29, 2023, when Sylvia Monteque-Brown, employed as a babysitter in Moorefeuld, visited the Wakefield Police Station to report threats against the now deceased. Law enforcement escorted her home, cautioning the deceased against carrying out any threats.

On December 30, 2023, at approximately 5:30 am, the police responded to a dispute at the residence. Upon arrival, they discovered the lifeless body of David Brown in a field, exhibiting head and face wounds. Deputy Superintendent Winston Milton, head of the Trelawny Police, identified Mrs. Monteque-Brown and her brother Lester as the sole suspects. Lester Monteque was promptly arrested and charged, while his sister turned herself in to the police on Tuesday, January 2, subsequently facing charges as well.


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