The St. Ann’s Bay Hospital is setting the record straight following reports of poor care of a patient.

The hospital is this evening making its position clear on a matter, which has now generated considerable public interest. Chief Executive Officer of the St. Ann’s Bay Hospital Dennis Morgan is responding to claims of ill-treatment of an elderly patient from the York community. CVM Live was informed by the Councillor for the area, Lydia Richards that the resident was left near his home in this state by the hospital.

Morgan says this is not the hospital’s best moment and admits better care should have gone into the discharge of the patient he is apologetic about the state the man was left in. He does however reject the claim that the hospital transported the man, clarifying that he was picked up in a taxi. Since the matter was escalated by Councillor Richards, he says he has met with the department staff that was responsible for the care of the patient. As the resident currently receives care at the hospital, he hopes this indiscretion does not set back the good work the hospital has been doing.

Morgan says he’s ready to work with Councillor Richards to not only rectify these situations but collaborate with her as she advocates for her constituents.