Turning a new leaf for a young man on the brink of repeat offending, following a rough childhood comes with a solid support system. So it is for a young aspiring businessman whose viral plea for help and support has brought him an influx of donations and well-wishers. 

Michael Reid’s mentor and landlady have been key in his resisting the criminal allure. They spoke with CVM LIVE about the young man who’s won the hearts of many. Known for his cries for help and prayers while bemoaning his misfortunes in a viral video, Michael Reid has since received new friends and aid to start a poultry business. But before fame came there were a few people who believed in him despite his shaky past. 

He also lauds his father who he says introduced him to church, where he would meet his Mentor, Allan Green. Green a justice of the peace and member of the west Jamaica conference mentorship connection programme has been a guiding light to Reid and other at-risk youth in the parish. 

Reid’s landlady Gloria Kerr looks on as Reid, who she likens unto a son tended to his newly bought chickens. She spoke glowingly of the young man who she describes as humble and determined.

And so, the story goes, in Michael’s own words, the stone the builder refused, can indeed become the chief cornerstone, especially with a strong support system.