“Well, the electorate has spoken and the incumbent has received the support of 60 percent of the teams that voted. So although there were numerous breaches of the constitution to include members of St Catherine Football Association (SCFA)  board voting , the disenfranchisement of the referees group and Tryall Heights FC and the omission of the question and answer segment that is guaranteed by the constitution, the reality is that she has received a mandate from the affiliates that they wish her administration to lead them.
I am pleased that with just a four month campaign I could secure 40 percent of the vote from an administration that has served four years.
I am committed to continue supporting the clubs who supported me and will ensure they receive all the assistance that I had promised going forward.

I believe that the challenge presented by myself and my team has demonstrated that the conduct of the administration in the future will have to be an improvement of what we experienced between 2019 to present date and highhanded, dictatorial, and nonethical conduct will not be tolerated”.