
Two Men Charged for Clarendon Quadruple Murder

Detectives assigned to the Area Three Major Investigation Division have charged the two men who were arrested in the aftermath…

3 years ago

Rising Dengue Cases Plague Central Parishes

Health authorities in at least two central parishes are lamenting the rising number of Dengue cases following recent tropical storms.…

3 years ago

Motive for Clarendon Quadruple Murder Revealed

The nation was shocked after hearing news about the quadruple murder which claimed the lives of two sisters minutes apart…

3 years ago

Quadruple Murder in Havannah Heights Clarendon

Quadruple Murder - A pall of gloom, hangs over the Havannah Heights community in Clarendon, following a quadruple murder on…

3 years ago

Drowned Livestock, Flooded Farms in Aenon Town

Farmers in Aenon Town, Clarendon are dismayed after tropical storm Ida left their farmlands covered in mud and their homes uninhabitable. The…

3 years ago

Kellits, Clarendon Taxi Drivers Cry Fare Decrease

There has been a 15 per cent fare increase, however, taxi operators in Kellits, Clarendon believe the fare table needs to be…

3 years ago

Longwood District Clarendon Not Forgotten

In this CVM LIVE follow-up, the Member of Parliament for Clarendon southeast, Pearnel Charles Junior has responded to flooding woes…

3 years ago

Flooding Impacts Longwood District Fisherfolks

The passing of Tropical Storm Grace on Tuesday, August 17, was enough to amplify the plight of residents and fisherfolk…

3 years ago

Tropical Storm Grace: NWA, JPS, NWC Carrying Out Analysis

As several customers of both the Jamaica Public Service, (JPS) and the National Water Commission, (NWC) had their services disrupted…

3 years ago

3 Persons Shot and Injured in York Town

Three people, 2 males, and a female were shot and injured in York Town, Clarendon on Friday, August 13. The…

3 years ago