
Crossfire Victim Requesting Help From The Public

A mother is appealing to the public, after she was incapacitated some years ago, the victim of a crossfire.

4 years ago

Jamaica’s Widening Food Gap And Meassures To Prevent It

We find out about Jamaica's widening food gap and we explore measures that can be used to prevent even more…

4 years ago

All Fourteen Parishes Recording Increase In COVID-19 Cases

All fourteen parishes are recording an increase in COVID-19 cases and the occupancy level for COVID-19 wards across the island…

4 years ago

COVID-19 Vaccine Sites Listed In St. Ann

From Christiana to St. Ann's Bay, five health facilities in St. Ann have been listed by the Health Department AS…

4 years ago

Clarendon Farmers Weathering Turbulent Effects of COVID-19

When CVM Live visited farmers in Crofts Hill, in northern Clarendon they say as things change intermittently, they are struggling,…

4 years ago

Kellits Primary Cleared For Physical Classes

The principal of the school, Rhynee McKay-Bennett tells CVM Live that prior to the reopening parents and students were summoned…

4 years ago

COVID-19 Surge Threatens Health System & Economic Gains

Medical experts and members of the business community have been reacting to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases that has…

4 years ago

Growing Fear Surrounding the Re-infection of COVID-19

Can one who was infected before, be re-infected with the virus? As we try to understand COVID-19, concerns have emerged…

4 years ago

Doctors: Blacks Are Three Times More Likely To Die From COVID-19

Blacks are three times more likely to die from COVID-19 - Doctors have concluded that people of African descent are…

4 years ago

Manchester Residents Urged To Comply With COVID-Protocols

On Monday, it was announced that Manchester has been seeing a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases, with the parish's positivity…

4 years ago