Battling COVID-19 and the New Delta Variant

Battling COVID-19 and the New Delta Variant

With Jamaica lagging behind the rest of the region in terms of COVID-19 vaccination uptake, one of the major concerns of citizens that have led to hesitancy as it relates to the function of the mRNA vaccine against COVID-19. Some believe the technology is new and...
Another BPO Cluster, COVID-19 Cases Surge

Another BPO Cluster, COVID-19 Cases Surge

More concerns are raised as the COVID-19 numbers continue to surge. Fifteen deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours, amid 656 positive cases. The Ministry is yet to divulge the total numbers, there has been confirmation of a covid cluster in one of the corporate...
UHWI Reaches COVID-19 Patient Capacity

UHWI Reaches COVID-19 Patient Capacity

The University of the West Indies Hospital (UHWI) has reported full capacity for treating patients who have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The hospital says previous measures were taken to facilitate more patients however, it is now unable to do so. This...