CXC Exams Begin

CXC Exams Begin

There were a number of issues leading up to the CXC exams following the COVID-19 outbreak, but now that it has started, the concerns have shifted to how students will perform. Months of hard work including learning via virtual platforms and in some cases self-study...
Lawyers Debate!

Lawyers Debate!

Today for Hot Topics we discussed all that went viral. So we covered the Cruise Ship Story, Increase In Children Sex Crimes and CSEC/CXC Exams which Commence in July. We had a fiery discussion with Attorneys at law Courtney Rowe and Michelle Thomas. Get ready for a...

CXC Concerns: Jamaica College Student Speaks Out!

In recent announcements we heard that CSEC examinations is scheduled to take place on July 27, 2020. We’ve heard from the government and many other stakeholders but what about our students? What do they have to say? Fabian Morris is a student at Jamaica College...
COVID-19 & the Future of Education

COVID-19 & the Future of Education

Today we tackle the future of our country. Our future doctors, lawyers, teachers and students. What will it all look like? In this discussion,we explore the effects of COVID-19 on Jamaica’s education system. To have this discussion we invited Dr. Kadamawe Knife,...