PM Addresses Health Concerns in Jamaica

PM Addresses Health Concerns in Jamaica

Global emerging and newer threats to health requires a unified approach from the government and citizens -that’s according to Prime Minister Andrew Holness who is a calling on citizens to take the necessary precautions in light of deadly diseases. Late last...
Dengue Town Hall In Granville

Dengue Town Hall In Granville

The Western Regional Health Authority (WRHA) on Wednesday (January 29) hosted the first in a series of dengue town hall meetings for St. James at the Granville All-Age School in the parish.             The event...
3-Day National Dengue Clean-Up Activated

3-Day National Dengue Clean-Up Activated

The Government is stepping up activities to curtail the current Dengue Outbreak across the island. Details on the National Clean Up Activation programme were disclosed during the first Post Cabinet Press Briefing of the year, held today (Wednesday, January 15, 2020)...
Dr. Cole Children Christmas Treat

Dr. Cole Children Christmas Treat

Thirty five years and still going. Thats the story of the Dr Lloyd Children Christmas treat that takes place on December 26 each year. Cole says it has always been a dream of his to give back and contribute to the social development of his fellow citizens. Dr...