T.O.D.S.S. To Launch 42M Road Safety Campaign

In light of the fatalities, there is a pressing need to invest in an education drive as one option to…

9 months ago

TODSS Hosts Health, Wealth And Safety Expo

On Thursday the Transport Operator’s Development and Sustainable Services, TODSS, hosted its second in a series of health, wealth, and…

2 years ago

TODSS Calls For 100% Fare Increase for Operators

 The Transport Operator’s Development Sustainable Services, TODSS has responded to the proposed JUTC fare increase, with a call for an increase for…

2 years ago

TODSS & One Voice Split Over Protest Action

The newly imposed Road Traffic Act has ripped through the public transportation sector, with various groups conflicted on the best way to take…

2 years ago

TODSS Calls for Review of Child Restraint System

Amidst the government's disclosure on Tuesday that motorists are expected to fit child restraint systems in motor vehicles to avoid penalties, the…

2 years ago

TODSS: Commuters Could See Further Strike Actions in February

A request for the government to wipe the slate clean and start anew that is the word coming from the President…

2 years ago

TODSS: Confident Taxi Operators Should Be Given Payment Plan

Despite the government's refusal to grant taxi operators a traffic ticket amnesty, President of the Transport Operators Development Sustainable Services…

2 years ago

TODSS Awaits Response from Transport Ministry

Transport operators were not speared by the police officers in sections of the corporate area on Thursday, as they were issued…

2 years ago

TODSS Operators Ready for Back to School

 Amid concerns about the significant reduction in the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) buses, the Transport Operator’s Development Sustainable Services(TODSS)…

2 years ago

Taxi Operators Trained in First Response

Taxi Operators trained in first response, in order to minimize loss of life from vehicle collisions.  With road fatalities totaling…

3 years ago